Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 7- The one week mark

January 24, 2010 Sunday

Wow, I can't believe one week has already gone by since I started the HCG diet. I feel great, have had awesome energy, and only felt hungry for one meal, but after eating I was satisfied.

I woke up this morning and the scale said 136lbs! Holy cow, 5 pounds in just 1 week, which technically the first week is 2 days short because of loading days. I can't wait to see what happens in the next 2 weeks. I am hoping for at least 10 more pounds, but I would definently take more. I did start my women cycle today so I will be curious to see if it affects my weight loss at all. I might retain more water, but I'm hoping to still see a loss. Don't get discouraged if this happens to you. You will lose!

I actually had a dream last night that I went to a buffet and I ate things that were NOT on my diet. I could remember a sausage biscuit (which aren't even my favorite) and I know I pigged out on so much stuff. I woke up terrified that I messed up and was going to gain weight. Gladly it was only a dream and I didn't actually sabbotage myself in real life. Funny how the brain works.

My Eating Day

8:00 AM- drops

9:00 AM- McDonald's coffee with Stevia (I loved it, I finished a whole large cup)

11:30 AM - More coffee at church, I think all the coffee contributed to me being so full all day

12:30 PM - drops

1:00 PM - We went to Outback Steakhouse for lunch. How is it possible to diet and eat out so much you ask??? First of all you order smart, second of all be specific, and third be prepared. I made sure to ask my waitor how things were prepared, if the items were cooked with oil or butter, etc... he didn't mind at all. We have to remember at restaurants, they are there to help you and it's ok to ask questions and have your food exactly how you want it. I ordered steamed lobster tails 2 (no dipping butter needed) steamed broccoli, and a side salad with a bowl of lemons to squeeze on the salad. I felt like non-dieting human being. It's about making smart decisions people. I wasn't able to actually weigh out my meat, that is the downside to eating out, but I could eyeball about how much meat 3.5 oz should be. It should fit in the palm of your hand.
I meant to take a picture of my lobster meal before I ate it all but I forgot, here's the remains!
7:00 PM - drops

7:30 PM - 3.5 oz lean ground beef, lettuce for wraps, steamed cauliflower, salsa, and 2 garlic melba rounds. I really wasn't very hungry but it is important not to skip meals. It will make you not lose weight.

I skipped both my fruits today, but then read you could occasionaly substitute a fruit serving for 1/2 cup of plain non-fat yogurt, you could add stevia to this for a sweetness. I have been wanting dairy products so this was my solution.

10:00 PM - 1/2 C. plain non-fat yogurt (made my day!!!)

I am going to be SUPER busy all afternoon tomorrow, so I decided since there's really no time for lunch, I will have a mini steak day. This means I will have A LOT of liquids all day (water, tea, coffee) for lunch 2 boiled eggs and an apple, then for dinner a large steak seasoned how I want (I will still not be using oil) and an apple. I think by large steak they probably mean maybe 5 or 6 oz, just a guess. Don't go too crazy and have a 20 oz porterhouse or anything.

Calorie Counter
lobster- 95 calories
broccoli- 25 calories
salad- 10 calories
lean ground beef- 133 calories
cauliflower- 20 calories
lettuce- 5 calories
salsa- 10 calories
melba toast- 25 calories
1/2 c. plain non-fat yogurt- 85 calories

Total of 408 I'm pretty far under today but I am stuffed. I try really hard to be at 500 but it doesn't always end up that way.

Here's a weekly wrap up:

Measurement time.... waist- went from 29 in to 28 in, hips- 37 in to 36.5 in, thigh- 22.5 in. to 21 in, stomach- 31.5 in. to 30 in, chest- 35.25 in to 34.5, bicep- stayed the same at 11.5 in.

5 pounds lost in a week, and energy up, mood great, the week way super easy.

It's incredible how you really do lose fat from the areas my body stores it in the most, my stomach, thighs, and hips. Amazing! It is so important to do weekly measurements, you will be amazed at progress. Even if the weight stops coming off or you get to a plateau, you will still be losing inches like crazy.

I still continue to weigh in at Weight Watchers because I have paid for so long and I am finally at my goal so I can get lifetime very soon. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when I lose 5-6 pounds at the weigh in. They will all want to know my secret. The HCG is basically like the Core plan in weight watchers if anyone os familiar with their methods. Just a fun little refrenence I was told today.

I can't wait to see what next week holds for me. I've heard some of you followers of this blog are kicking my butt and have lost a lot of weight this week, I am super proud of you! Thanks for taking this journey with me, makes it all worth while to know you all are reading this and hopefully getting inspiration and hope. Keep on keepin' on!
P.S. I got a rockin haircut today by my friend Lindsey Blain at Kadiza so I know there will be a Day 8/ Week 2 starting picture so I can show if off to you! Until tomorrow........

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