Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hey everyone! I know there are several of you that follow this blog as public followers, but there are so many of you who just blog stalk. That's TOTALLY cool too! So I just came up with an idea that I am stealing from another blog, but I think we should feature a blog stalker of the week, the day, the hour, whatever. I want to get your success stories, your goals reached, your awesomeness out there for everyone to see. If you are interested in being featured on this blog for any reason, it could be because you're thinking about starting the AMAZING HCG Diet, or that you are in the middle of it and are losing weight, if you have started it and feel great, anything. I want to hear all about it.

So here's the deal... If you're interested in inspiring other people out there to get out and lose weight, e-mail me at hkk2005@yahoo.com and tell me your story. I want to see your faces here. Feel free to include pictures, (or not if you don't want too). Your post can be public, private, (I don't have to include your name if you don't want) however you want it to be, I just want to get these amazing and inspiring stories out there for other people to see just how easy losing weight can be. I will feature anyone on here that sends me information. You can even just send tips, or things you have found helpful. Let's get together and make this losing weight thing HUGE!

Also I would love to see your comments or questions on the bottom of the blog! Start e-mailing me your awesome stories, it's time to BRAG on yourself!!!

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